Pictures of the room from IMVU Desktop

XShine 4u [ imvu://room/4u/XShine+4u ]
GA rated room mixed products.

I made this room to showcase some of the new effects we have to use in Studio, Shine and Normal Maps.

pic1_thumb.jpg 7.2K pic2_thumb.jpg 6.3K


pic4_thumb.jpg 8.0K pic5_thumb.jpg 10.6K pic3_thumb.jpg 12.4K


001_thumb.jpg 11.0K 002_thumb.jpg 8.3K 003_thumb.jpg 4.9K
009_thumb.jpg 7.7K 006_thumb.jpg 7.4K 007_thumb.jpg 7.4K
005_thumb.jpg 5.1K 008_thumb.jpg 6.8K 004_thumb.jpg 4.3K


Diffuse, opacity shine and normal maps used on the floor
barfloor_thumb.jpg 16.4K
barfloorop_thumb.jpg 20.8K
barfloorsh_thumb.jpg 23.3K
barfloorn_thumb.jpg 17.9K


light panel with texture shine and normal
mirror_thumb.jpg 11.1K
mirrorshine_thumb.jpg 8.8K
mirronormal_thumb.jpg 10.6K


wet wall with shine and normal maps
walldiffuse_thumb.jpg 6.4K
wallnormal_thumb.jpg 7.6K
wallshine_thumb.jpg 11.0K


the Christmas orbs shine map
christmasball1shine_thumb.jpg 11.3K